
Digital Marketing Services

Paid Marketing Services

AdWord Express

What Is AdWord Express?

A marketing campaign for any business has to be designed according to the specific needs of the business. A blanket SEO strategy or acquiring high-priced keywords at AdWords auctions entail unnecessary expenditure. While AdWords works as a great paid marketing tool for several businesses, smaller establishments relying on single-member marketing teams don’t require all AdWords features.

To cater to this category of business, Google has a parallel advertisement service called AdWord Express. In a nutshell, AdWord Express provides the same service as Adwords vis-à-vis providing advertisements for businesses to enhance their visibility in search results. The difference between the two is, AdWord Express is a simplified and more pocket-friendly version of AdWords.

How Does It Work?

With AdWord Express you just need set up an account and let Google do the rest. So, everything from keyword selection to managing ad positions to account maintenance- everything is managed by Google. While this gives all the control to Google, it also gives the business more time to focus on other areas of operation.

How Can Digital Crazy Web Help?

Digital Crazy Web handles AdWord Express services to cater to a wider network of clients. We understand the need for a business to deploy its resources efficiently and try to optimize their return-on-investments.

A great feature of Ad Express is that payments are made only when a customer visits your page or accesses one of your call-to-action buttons like phone calls. This makes Ad Express a more economical marketing option than AdWords.

Another interesting feature is the AdWords Express App which can be downloaded after signing up for the service. This allows you to monitor your ad at all times and access performance reports and other statistics using your smartphone or tablet.

Digital Crazy Web helps you with all this and more. So give us a call and let’s get started on your paid marketing campaign today!