
Digital Marketing Services

Paid Marketing Services

LinkedIn Advertising Services

Who Needs LinkedIn Advertising?

LinkedIn is the largest online network of working professionals with as many as 500 million active users. Advertisers using LinkedIn advertising services can reach a vast community of high-skilled individuals to inform them about their brand or business. Identifying your customer base is simplified with LinkedIn where users are listed according to their profession, skills, interests and other information.


Types of Ads On LinkedIn

You can choose from a range of different advertising options in LinkedIn. These include:

  • Direct Sponsored Content
  • Text Ads
  • Sponsored InMails
  • Dynamic Ads

You can reach your company’s updates to more people and attract new followers on all devices like laptops, smartphones, and tablets. The Sponsored InMail service allows advertisers to interact directly with prospective customers via LinkedIn Messenger. This makes it easy to send personalized invites to webinars and other events.

LinkedIn also allows advertisers to set their budgets and pay only when a user clicks on an ad. A useful feature to help generate more leads is LinkedIn’s pre-filled lead generation form. After that, the number of leads generated can be tracked with the option of conversion tracking. You can also modify your ads at any point to test the best performing option.


Why Choose Digital Crazy Web?

The digital marketing team at Digital Crazy Web is experienced in the finer points of LinkedIn advertising service. We can help design a promotional strategy that is best suited for your business.

We help with:

  • Ad design and artwork
  • Writing Ad content
  • Strategy design for ad campaign

So if you want to explore the LinkedIn user market to expand your business, call us today and we’ll help you plan an ad strategy that connects you to your target customers.